
Monday, May 11, 2009

Here's the Leash

Finding one's true nature is deemed necessary by many who claim to be great spiritual teachers. The sage sees the value in this, but is cautious of those who eagerly offer to help in doing so.
~ Today's Daily Quote from the TaoWoods Center ~

Since the beginning of time, one message has been drummed into most people's heads again and again -- You couldn't find your way out of a paper bag without help from "learned" advisers. As this mantra has been repeated ad nauseam for centuries, the average Joe and Jane has taken it to be a universal truth. And so most people see themselves as little more than dogs; happy to supply the leash to be led around with!

And why have religious leaders drummed this mind-numbing concept into the heads of the masses? Baby, it's all about control. If the common people learn to view themselves as pitiful wretches -- undeserving of happiness or mercy -- they will much more easily allow hucksters into their lives to "save" them from themselves.

For me, this goes a long way toward explaining why people such as Ted Haggard, Jim Jones, Jim Bakker, David Koresh or Charles Manson (to name but a scant few) could attract followers and why the new generation of spiritual hucksters continues to do the same. Far too many people have been brainwashed into thinking that each is completely unable to find their true self without a guru to guide them.

When other people "help" you to find your true inner self, the you that you find is a caricature shaped by them -- their thoughts and ideals. In fact, it's more of a them-you than you.

Nobody needs a guru. Nobody needs to be led around like a dog on a leash. Nobody can help you find the true you EXCEPT you and you alone have the power to make this journey. In reality, you don't need a spiritual adviser. Anyone who tells you otherwise is merely trying to control you.


  1. That's assuming, of course, that anyone can define the words "true" and "you" in such a way that I might recognise either of them if trod in them!

    Similarly, upon what authority do you lean in deciding who has or has not discovered their "true you"? For example, I might, after a period of extended contemplation decide that my 'true me' resides in my belly button and I might worship it happily thereafter. Then you, you big bully, come along and tell me I haven't discovered anything at all, or, in other words, you behave exactly like those "spritual hucksters" you complain about.

    Just leave us 'Belly-Buttonists' alone!

  2. If you decide that the true you resides in your belly button, then more power to ya! My opinion shouldn't matter.

    I don't understand how you could equate that to me trying to bully you.

  3. I think this is where my luck started in life. My parents were so busy fighting and trying to control my sister (6 yrs older) that they forgot to instill their values and beliefs on me. I was able to form my own opinions from what I took from books (lots), tv shows (lots), other family members (free thinkers) and my own experiences (not always pleasant, but very educational).

    When I got older and finally found out what their views were, I was very glad I had the opportunity to form my own. It came as quite a shock to me to find out they were racist, materialist, and very judgmental of peoples “social” status. They actually border on being total assholes. I’m quite glad, that as far as I know, I am not any of those things :)

  4. I am glad someone "gets" my quote, and I am happy to discover The Rambling Taoists website. As with the previous poster, one of the reasons I was allowed to escape the usual programming was that I was quiet and shy with no one paying any real attention to me as I grew up.


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