
Saturday, May 16, 2009

Damn That Spellcheck

I used to be something of a good speller. I remember earning a few ribbons and/or high marks for spelling competitions in school. It seems that as I age, my spelling instincts have flown out the door! Words that I have spelled correctly for decades, all of a sudden, sport letters or even syllables that don't belong.

Of course, few people would notice this incessant problem because of the ubiquitous spellchecker in most software. I have to run the program each time I post a blog entry, lest you all think I flunked out of kindergarten four times!!

But here's the problem: Using a spellchecker isn't helping me regain my prowess as an accurate speller. In fact, it's having the opposite affect (or is that effect)! Each day I seem to find new words to misspell which means new words for the program to correct. And I don't seem to retain any of this information.

Of course, this is a common problem when we get used to allowing technology to take over parts of our lives. Why should I even be concerned with proper spelling if my computer can make me look like a spelling genius? I really don't have to put that much effort into it because the effort itself is being born by this machine.

At least I still cut my vegetables by hand! No food processors here.


  1. Until a few months ago, my arms looked like skin covered toothpicks. I was amazed of how quickly (within 6 months) I had lost muscle tissue. Now that I work outside a lot - it's all coming back.
    The spelling thing is a similar one. The way I deal with it, is that I try to correct (some, not all) words manually when the red dotted line appears, make a conscious effort and try to remember. It sort of works.

  2. spell checker pisses me off because it's totally unenlightened and doesn't recognize words like tao, wuji, wu wei, etc. so it underlines them in red as if saying, "what's this?' Maybe we should create a taoist spell check, teach the program a little tai chi...

  3. I was never good at spelling, grammar or math. I run most of my comments throught Word to pick up spelling and grammar mistakes. (and I add and subtract with my fingers) but really, I'm very bright. (LOL)

  4. Is spelling even that important? (I mean, it's important that a document be spelt correctly, but is it important that one know oneself the correct spellings as opposed to leaving it to a machine?) Spelling seems to be an endeavour totally devoid of creativity, simply a matter of adherence to strict rules. One's mental energy would seem better expended elsewhere.

  5. To some people it's like nails on a chalkboard to see it. I think spelling and grammar are only important in order to be understood. Bad grammar can make something be read a lot differently then how it sounds in your head. :)

  6. For me, the spellchecker has helped me become a better speller, because it flags the words I habitually misspell immediately, and I see the pattern. I was always a terrible speller. But the tipping point may be coming soon, when the spellchecker tries to be so smart, auto-correcting words without asking, that it makes a mishmash of what you're trying to write. MS Word is just about at that point. I had to dumb it down considerably, so it would auto correct me to hell.

  7. it would NOT auto correct me to hell.

  8. Gee, I've obviously hit an open nerve with this post! :-)

    Thanx fer awl yer commints! And happie speling too eech of us.


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