
Friday, April 10, 2009

Out Into The Mist

It's a human component to have preferences and favorites. Some people prefer country music -- certainly NOT me -- while others prefer rock 'n roll. (Of course, those aren't the only two choices either!) My favorite food is peanut butter. Yours might be a raspberries or pistachios.

Speaking of favorites, one of the blogs I religiously check everyday is Forest Wisdom. The blogger who writes it is a very interesting, compassionate and introspective bloke -- qualities that I favor strongly. However, on April 3, the posts stopped and the last entry was solely pictorial with no comments allowed.

It seems that dear Forest is going through a rough patch -- he indicated such in a blog entry the previous week. It's unclear at this juncture if this is the end of his blog or merely a needed hiatus.

For selfish reasons only, I want to tell him, "Don't abandon your blog. We need your calming presence and words of daily wisdom blah blah blah..." But I'm not going to say THAT because it would be trying to force my path on his. While not being able to visit his blog daily for kernels of insight may cause me to suffer the pangs of withdrawal, this situation shouldn't be about me or any other of his numerous readers.

Let's face it. Life is complex and throws each of us for a loop more often than not. In the overall scheme of things, a blog isn't that damn important! If your blog or my blog does become that important, then we've got our priorities all screwed up.

As I've come to know (a little bit, mind you) the person behind the Forest Wisdom moniker, I know he's doing what he needs to do to follow his path. If his path one day allows him the space to blog again, I will be ecstatic! I'll do a little jig. But, if that's not in the cards, then I'll cherish the time I had in participating in his blogging world.

I wish him the very best and genuinely hope that the travails he is facing are resolved to his satisfaction. I know that I am a better person today for having met him in this virtual realm.


  1. Thanks for posting this. I've been missing FW also, and hoping he's okay...

  2. RT,
    This is a beautiful and true tribute to Forest Wisdom. Thank you for sharing your thoughts... thoughts which I know must resonate with everyone who has been lucky enough to stumble upon and then captured by his blog...


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