
Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Ancients did not instruct in wisdom
They did not enlighten by their word
They did not know they were enlightened
They did not know they were ignorant

Kings came and taught right and wrong
People became confused and thieves came forth
Making the masters continually change the rules
To maintain control
~ Tao Te Ching, portion of Sixty-Five (Stephen Kaufman version) ~
The problem with rules is that, as soon as each is enacted, some people will always try to figure out a way around them. It doesn't matter what kind of rule it is -- political, religious, social, organizational or personal.

Where someone stands in the hierarchy of the society helps to determine how each will try to skirt the rules. People low on the totem pole will try to cheat under the cover of darkness. They don't want anyone to know what they are doing and will most likely deny it, if confronted. People on the top rungs cheat out in the open because they tend to believe (and it's often a correct belief, unfortunately) that they exist above the law. The laws are meant for the peons, NOT them.

We each view the crimes of others more harshly than our own. If we break the rules, laws or mores, we create ready justifications. If, on the other hand, others outside of ourselves, family or group break the same rules, laws or mores, we become indignant and demand justice.

For some, the answer out of this quagmire is no government -- anarchy. The people who support this idea believe the, left to their own devises, people will do the right thing. I wish I believed this to be true! I do believe that it is true for most of the people, but there is always an element within any society or group that desires to overpower and exploit others. There is always an element that wants more of the pie than they need.

Because of this element, government becomes a necessary evil. And yet, as we see taking place in this nation right now, that element still finds ways -- often "legal" ones -- to skirt the rules and to live above the "law".

In many ways, I don't think there is any way out of the quagmire. As long as we humans exist in societies, every kind of political system we create will benefit some, not others. And every kind of rule or regulation that is created will be observed by some and flaunted by others. It is something that we will continue to struggle with.


  1. Good observation. It is my belief that as our consciousness rises that we will need less and less government.

  2. Some people do like to take more than they should. The current ways allow them to justify themselves. "I can do this as the law supports me"

    Anarchy may well seem like to strong a sway in the opposite direction and I can understand resistance. I would not even say it is a good final solution but do like to point out that..

    The two parties in power, abuse it, aid industry not people, both will go to war spreading their power far outside of their own borders.

    The quagmire is produced in such a way that we are supposed to feel trapped into the system - as I said on my own blog "the ship is going forwards and we get to vote "left a bit" "right a bit" ... but the result is still forward."

    You could be on a ship with all the comforts you could desire but if that ship goes and goes and goes then I am sure that on passing a little desert island with a small community of simple people - even if your ship had all the comforts you could desire, you'd like to get off.

  3. I'm not trying to argue that the current system is better.


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