
Monday, February 2, 2009

Spare the Rod, Spoil the Wife

A very interesting article, "Biblical Battered Wife Syndrome: Christian Women and Domestic Violence" was posted on Alternet this morning. It explores the issue of spousal abuse within the confines of fundamentalist Christianity and this exploration isn't very pretty.
What is a good enough reason for divorce? Well, according to Rick Warren’s Saddleback church, divorce is only permitted in cases of adultery or abandonment -- as these are the only cases permitted in the Bible -- and never for abuse.

As teaching pastor Tom Holladay explains, spousal abuse should be dealt with by temporary separation and church marriage counseling designed to bring about reconciliation between the couple. But to qualify for that separation, your spouse must be in the “habit of beating you regularly,” and not be simply someone who “grabbed you once.”

“How many beatings would have to take place in order to qualify as regularly?” asks Jocelyn Andersen, a Christian domestic violence survivor and advocate, author of the 2007 book Woman Submit! Christians and Domestic Violence, an indictment of church teachings of wifely submission and male headship. As she sees it, by convincing women that leaving their relationships is not an option, these teachings have laid the ground for a domestic violence epidemic within the church.

Andersen writes from personal experience, describing an episode of being held hostage by her husband -- an associate pastor in their Kansas Baptist church -- for close to twenty hours after he’d nearly fractured her skull. Andersen was raised in the Southern Baptist Convention, where she heard an unremitting message of “submission, submission, submission.” She saw this continual focus reflected in her ex-husband’s denunciations, while he detained her, of women who wanted to “rule over men.” Though Andersen was rescued by her church’s pastor, who had his assistant pastor arrested himself, she says other churchwomen aren’t so lucky, particularly when churches tell couples to attend joint marriage counseling under lay ministry leaders with no specific training for abuse survivors, who instead offer an unswerving prescription of submission and headship, often telling women to learn to submit “better.”
As a former licensed social worker, I realize that the plague of domestic violence isn't confined to any one religious tradition. It occurs across economic, religious, ethnic and geographic lines. However, while some atheist (or even Taoist) husbands most likely beat their wives, the victims of this violence don't have to fight through religious mores and laws to find safety!

In essence, this kind of violence almost is institutionalized in fundamentalist religions. This should surprise no one because these religions were created by men, not women. In fact, if we look at the Judeo-Christian tradition, women are not treated as feeling and sentient beings at all, but as property! Fundamentalists tend to favor the idea that a man (not a woman, of course) can do whatever he damn well pleases with HIS property.

If a person had no other issues with Christian thought, this particular issue should give one pause. Why should women be treated as property or second-class citizens? For that matter, why is God conceived of as a he? It would make far more sense if God was not gender specific. The very fact that a specific gender is indicated should inform anyone that the concept of God was conjured up by members of the gender that is forever least in THEIR eyes.


  1. I am sorry for situations like this where women are abused, and especially sad that people who call themselves followers of Jesus Christ are to blame for the violence. I am also sorry that you think this is the Christian tradition. Jesus paid special attention to women in need and treated them better than the brutal religious system of the time (note that I am not referring to the teachings God gave the Jews, but the man-made system that the Pharisees forced on society). Furthermore, the apostle Paul teaches that there is neither Jew nor Greek, slave or free, man or woman in God's Kingdom (that is the way of life that Jesus invited people into through Himself). This means no one is treated as being better than another, and all are to live as family and love one another. Just because some guy in Kansas beat his wife doesn't mean that Jesus Kingdom calls for women to be treated as second-class citizens. A claim like that shows how little you have actually heard the words of the Master.

    If you observed my wife and I or many of the other Christian couples I know, you'd see a much better example of what a relationship guided by Christ looks like. I don't think you would have much negative criticism to offer to us. We're not perfect, but we give all the glory to God for all the good that is in our marriage, and thank Him for designing it and giving even those who reject Him (like yourself) the gift of marriage.

    I also think that a lot of your concerns about treating God's creation right and working towards social justice are things that are on Jesus' heart as well. I lament that many Americans, including people that identity themselves with Jesus, do not have motivation to contribute positively to these causes. However, many here in America and around world do as well. Jesus promised that there will be an end to tears and pain and war, and that He will bring a new earth in His timing, so there is hope available to those who take Him at His word.

    Perhaps we'll see each other again in the blogosphere. Peace

  2. I appreciate that not all Christian Families feel so callous about domestic abuse. I grew up in a loving Christian home. But you can not deny that there are many instances in the Bible where women are second class or property. Such as the story of Lot. Two angels visited his house because he was the most righteous man in town and they wanted to warn him that the city would be destroyed. Some of the towns people came to the door and wanted Lot to send the angels out so they may rape them. The most righteous man in the town offered up his daughters instead. Many more stories fill the bible, and I will admit the most of them are in the old testament. But Jesus said he did not come to abolish the old law but to uphold it. There are many conflicting ideas of what is moral in the bible. It is just a shame that before writing the most important moral guide known to man that God and Jesus couldn't have gotten together to get there story strait before they led man to write it. It might have saved us from such misunderstandings as these.


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