
Wednesday, January 28, 2009

A Comment on Comments

As many of you may have noticed, I don't always respond to the comments left here. I realize this probably violates some net etiquette rule somewhere and it may cause some of you to think either I don't take the time to read your comments or I don't care what you have to say.

Neither is the case, however. I read and often reread every comment posted. I often spend time mulling over your words and thoughts. It's always a good exercise to try to look at issues or situations through another person's eyes.

So, if I do read them and I care about them, why don't I always respond? It's because of my general rule -- I only write those words that wish to be exposed! Often, I find that many comments simply don't need a response from me. They have the strength to stand on their own feet. At other times, I really don't have anything salient to add.

If I think a point made is really clear or important, I may simply respond with "Good point" or I may not respond at all. On the other hand, there are some comments left that I categorically disagree with, but I simply don't feel the need to get into a protracted back-and-forth.

Finally, a lot of it most likely has to do with my Asperger's Syndrome. It is not uncommon in typical face-to-face situations when a person I'm talking with expects that I'm going to respond to something said and I say nothing or they make a remark that doesn't call for a response, yet I act as if it does. Simply put, I'm never clear when a response is expected and when it ain't. So, my default action is to stay quiet. ;>)