
Monday, December 1, 2008

Try Shutting Up

Since the beginning of time, humankind has searched for and theorized about a process, principle or entity that binds us together. Many believe this "IT" is a benevolent being that is concerned about our welfare and casts a hand over our lives. Others accept the notion of one or more beings, but do not buy-in to its necessary benevolence.

By and large, Taoists don't envision a being at all. For most of us, the IT is a process, principle or force that is neither benevolent nor malevolent. IT just is. Everything is part of IT -- there is no separation. If you want to find IT, many a Taoist will suggest you need only look in the mirror!

Apart from defining what IT might be, western religious thought and Taoism differ greatly on how each of us might engage IT. In Christianity, the principle way followers are supposed to dial into IT is via prayer.

There are all kinds of prayers, many committed to rote memorization. However, while followers are encouraged strongly to use the established prayers and creeds, they are also told that a simple "conversation" with the all mighty will suffice. Some people pray out loud, while others hold these conversations in their heads.

For me, the problem with this approach is that, if you spend all your time flapping your gums, how are you to hear the message? Wouldn't you worry that you and the deity might end up talking over one another? How will you know when the voice inside your noggin changes from you to IT?

Taoists approach this concept from the opposite perspective! In Taoism, there is no such animal as an established creed or prayer. You don't need to get in a certain position nor do you have to face a particular direction. All that is required is that you empty yourself completely.

Empty, you become a vessel to be filled.

Empty is not the same thing as merely being quiet. If we want to dial in to Tao (our word for IT), then we must flush away all words, thoughts, images and emotions. If you don't completely empty yourself, then all these things and more become barriers to getting in touch. They block the flow of energy.

A filled vessel -- one crammed full of words, ideas, suppositions, images and emotions -- cannot be filled with the spirit simply because there is no room. By the same token, you can't pour more water into a full glass. The new water will spill on the floor and be wasted.

So, when we approach IT we must ensure we strip away all our wants, needs and desires for it is these very things that block our access. We each need to learn the lesson that shutting up is the only way we can clear the space that can then be filled up.

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