
Thursday, December 4, 2008

Hooray for the Atheists

Bill O'Reilly is in a tizzy. It seems he's mighty upset that, here in Washington State, we uphold the right of free speech. According to the Seattle PI,
An atheist group has unveiled an anti-religion placard in the state Capitol, joining a Christian Nativity scene and "holiday tree" on display during December.

The atheists' sign was installed Monday by Washington members of the Freedom From Religion Foundation, a national group based in Madison, Wis.

With a nod to the winter solstice - the year's shortest day, occurring in late December - the placard reads, in part, "There is only our natural world. Religion is but myth and superstition that hardens hearts and enslaves minds."
If this upsets Billy Boy, then I'm all for it!!

Seriously, why do fundamentalist Christians constantly get all worked up about this kind of stuff? If some of us don't believe in the Christian God, what difference should it make to them? How does our non-belief impact their devout belief? Likewise, if gays and lesbians are allowed by law to marry, how will that impact conservative Christian marriages?

While Christianity, in specific, and religion, in general, are supposed to be based on independent choice, love, peace and respect, one would never know it. All religions produce zealots who think that, if you don't believe as they do, then you should be silenced, persecuted or killed.

And these zealots are laying waste to our world. The Christian zealots want the U.S. to bomb and destroy any nation or people who don't bow down before the Judeo-Christian God. Their counterparts in the Muslim world want to bomb and destroy any nation or people who don't bow down to their incarnation of Allah.

In my book, this is utter madness borne of hardened hearts and enslaved minds.


  1. I agree. Why would you worship a God that acts like Big Brother?

  2. Some people seem to need a big brother. They fear uncertainty. They are unable to live in any tension. With the world defined for them in black and white concrete terms, they feel in "the truth."

    They cannot let anyone just be who disagrees because that person's very existence threatens their tenuous certainty. So that person must be converted (thus "evangelism") or done away with.

    The "truth" is fragile, don't you know. It must be protected. ;)

  3. Forest has hit the nail on the proverbial head! For the narrow-minded, truth is threatened by questions -- particularly questions that call for answers they can't prove.

  4. I've often thought that others try to convert us to their religion as much to convince themselves of their belief. That is, the more people they can persuade to see things their way, the more certain they can feel about their way.

  5. That's a good point, Paul. I think that does explain some of it -- the herd mentality.


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