
Friday, December 26, 2008

Almost Like Mr. Potato Head

Since 1952, children have loved to project emotions on Mr. Potato Head. Depending on your own mood, you can make Mr. Potato Head look happy, sad, silly or decidedly wacky. In this same vein, religions have been playing a similar game with their deities. We're told that the all mighty is pleased, displeased, angry and jealous.

For me, there is a problem with this whole charade. We are told that the deity (God, Jehovah, Allah) is omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent and perfect. So, if the supreme one indeed has all these fine attributes, where is there a need or reason for human emotion?

If we break this down to look at the definitions of the attributes, I think the issue will be made more clear.

Omnipotent - having unlimited power and authority; all-powerful.
Omniscient - having infinite knowledge; knowing all things.
Omnipresent - present in all places at all times.
Perfect - complete in all respects; without defect or blemish; sound; flawless.

Now let's take a look at the word anger. Anger generally comes about because of stress, tension and frustration. We humans go into a situation expecting a certain outcome and, if the outcome is different in a way that has a negative result, we often express disappointment and anger. Conversely, if we humans encounter a situation expecting a certain outcome and, if the outcome is what we expected OR is different in a way that has a positive result, we often express joy and pleasure.

But these same scenarios cannot play out with the all mighty BECAUSE there are no surprises involved. Because the deity is omniscient and omnipresent, it already sees all the various options and choices plus it already knows the result! Therefore, there is nothing that could cause tension or stress for this perfect being and tension and stress are the fuel of human emotion.

So, from my perspective, if you choose to accept the notion that your deity has the 4 aforementioned attributes, you can't concurrently believe that this same being has emotions. Put another way, if you believe your god has emotions, then you can't believe it possesses those 4 key attributes.

Of course, I don't believe a "god" exists, so this isn't a problem for me at all.


  1. ..."So, if the supreme one indeed has all these fine attributes, where is there a need or reason for human emotion?"

    Human emotions are the vehicle for learning on this earth. We learn to recognize them first, then we transform them gradually as we walk down the path of karma.
    You from all people should know this.

  2. But a "God" doesn't need to learn as she/he is already all knowing. I agree that we humans need to tread this path, but "God" shouldn't.


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