
Friday, November 14, 2008

First Bowser

We're staring ecological calamity in the face, a worldwide economic crisis, a deteriorating infrastructure and a preemptive war without end, yet what is the mainstream media and the American public most concerned about? A dog. What kind of dog the Obama's take to the White House in January!

I don't give a diddly. For one thing, it's not anybody's business -- It's a family decision. For another, it doesn't matter. Whatever specific dog the family chooses is not going to change anything for the masses.

The First Bowser is not going to bring world peace. The Number 1 dog is not going to solve the energy crisis. The top doggy will have no have no effect on whether or not we fall into an economic depression.

So people, let's keep our eyes on the prize and not on the fresh manure that soon will be deposited regularly on the White House lawn.

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