
Thursday, February 7, 2008

Out of Time

While time itself is a human construct, this human is having difficulty with finding the time to do several things. My life keeps changing in dramatic ways, though this isn't saying much since change is the way of the world.

When I started this blog, I had a lot of time on my hands. I needed something to keep me engaged with the world around me. In essence, I needed a vehicle that provided me with a mechanism to climb outside my own head. So, most days, I dutifully wrote at least one entry.

In the past 6 months, however, time has been at a premium for me. I've added two part-time jobs and my income has tripled (not that this says much -- I'm still poor). So, I now have 3 jobs plus all my various volunteer duties as State Treasurer of the Green Party of Washington State. It leaves little time to share my thoughts here.

It's not that I don't still have thoughts to share with the world! There are many blog entries swirling in my head almost every day and, on many days, I've planned to pen an entry. It usually ends up, though, that I run out of time and mental energy.

So, on the one hand, I could decide to shutdown The Rambling Taoist. Blogs come and go daily. The world wouldn't stop spinning if there was no TRT. But I realize that each aspect of our lives has its OWN time and TRT may have its time again. So, it will remain here and I will share my thoughts on it as time allows.

One of my new jobs is with the Green Institute. I'm the Researcher for GreenPRO. It's the kind of job I think most people would find mundane, but, for a research maven like me, it's a dream job! I spend hours each day trolling the web for progressive local policies, programs, resolutions and ordinances to add to our ever-growing online database. By the end of today, we should have over 800 entries!!

So, if you wanted to know where most of my blog entry energy has gone, check out GreenPRO.

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