
Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Will the Circle Be Unbroken?

In my opinion, far too much of the world's population is preoccupied with trying to figure out things they will never know, while almost willfully ignoring a lot of the stuff that they could easily observe and discern. By employing this type of misdirected strategy, it well explains why our society is gripped by fear, suspicion, uncertainty and collective anxiety.

Simply by observing the workings of the universe around us, it should be readily apparent that life is a process of movement and change through rhythmic cycles. Every entity follows the same general course: birth, death, rebirth, etc. Each step along the path leads to its antithesis and, in a matter of time, comes full circle to begin anew.

Against this background, all of the world's theologies have erected deities that are fixed and unmoving. They each set down rigid rules and rituals. They solemnize orthodox dogmas which tend to remain static and unchanging. They rely on documents written centuries ago. In essence, the ways of thought developed by religions seem always to run counter to the movement of the life process.

Now, I certainly understand the base motivation behind these beliefs. As the world is ever changing, we humans are always looking for a safe haven, a place where we can catch our breath and the dizzying movement seems to slow down or even stop. Such a cessation of movement would allow us to be able to better focus on the various elements and decisions we come face to face with each and every day.

Unfortunately, this cessation is only an illusion within our minds. Our bodies keep moving unabated and so too does everything else. In fact, the only time the cessation may be real is when the body's internal functions come to a complete halt -- we die.

Be that as it may, so many people still cling to this idea of an unmoving and resolute God[s] -- an all powerful entity that defies the laws of nature by NOT evolving.

How can something that never evolves create a world that is ever evolving?

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