
Friday, February 16, 2007

Then & Now

I've been publicly protesting the various "wars" in Iraq since 1991. During this timespan, the general reception of the public has changed drastically. In the 90s, people were far more apt to give the finger or tell us to "go to hell". In the early portion of this decade, we went from 2/3 disapproval to maybe 50/50.

Today in Aberdeen I joined several ladies in standing on the street corner during rush hour. We held signs that demanded US troops out of Iraq. Despite the fact that Aberdeen is NOT a liberal community, I would estimate that 75% of the people passing us gave us the thumbs up or flashed a smile and peace sign.

It's interesting how public perceptions change. In my mind's eye, the chief reasons to oppose the war in 1991 are the same as in 2007. However, many of the people who were waving the flag of patriotism in 91 are many of the same people agreeing with us today.

I guess it's now chic to be against the war. Personally, I don't care WHY more and more people are against the war -- All I want is for people to be more vocal about their dissent.


  1. In Port Angeles there's an anti-war demonstration every Saturday afternoon. Sometimes I go; sometimes I don't. Port Angeles is probably somewhat more liberal than Aberdeen, but I doubt if there's that much difference.

    I'd say about 3/4, maybe more, of the cars that go by honk and/or give us a thumbs up. A very small percentage gives us the thumbs down, and an even smaller percentages gives us the one-finger salute. It's encouraging that these anti-war sentiments (at least regarding Iraq and Iran) have become so mainstream.

  2. The fun part of protesting the war on our dear Olympic Peninsula is that we get to do it in the rain -- buckets upon buckets of rain!


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