
Friday, March 31, 2006

Jail the Crooks!

I get so tired of the debate over illegal immigration! It's a smokescreen for racism bound up in the 'ol stars and stripes. If politicos and pundits alike REALLY TRULY wanted to stem the flow of illegal workers, there's a simple way to accomplish this aim -- arrest, jail and fine the people who hire them!!

Molly Ivins makes this same point in Immigration 101:
...should you actually want to stop Mexicans and OTMs (other than Mexicans) from coming to the United States, here is how to do it: Find an illegal worker at a large corporation. This is not difficult -- brooms and mops are big tip-offs. Then put the CEO of that corporation in prison for two or more years for violating the law against hiring illegal workers.

Got it? You can also imprison the corporate official who actually hired the illegal and, just to make sure, put some Betty Sue Billups -- housewife, preferably one with blonde hair in a flip -- in the joint for a two-year stretch for hiring a Mexican gardener. Thus Americans are reminded that the law says it is illegal to hire illegal workers and that anyone who hires one is responsible for verifying whether or not his or her papers are in order. If you get fooled and one slips by you, too bad, you go to jail anyway. When there are no jobs for illegal workers, they do not come. Got it?
Of course, all the people screaming about the need for so-called immigration reform would NEVER support such a strategy. Why? Because illegal workers are good for business!! You don't have to pay them squat and you don't have to worry that said workers might complain too loudly lest they be rounded up and shipped back home.

Like Brad over at greenInk, I personally think we should quit talking about illegal immigration altogether. As he wrote back in February,
Morally, putting limits on immigration is wrong. Who gave anyone the right to say where someone else can and cannot live? What right do Americans, whose ancestors pillaged, plundered, murdered and stole their way across the continent, have to draw lines on the map and say, “this is ours, now go home”? What right does ANY government have to control people in this way?


  1. Almost every big hotel in Massachusetts is staffed by illegals. Everyone knows it. It keeps the profit margin in place where the owners make the most for their investment. I find it hard to believe that anyone wants to seriously address this issue. It only appears to be the politically correct thing to do in light of all this terroist rhetoric.

  2. We already have more people in prison than all the rest of the countries on earth. Let's just build some more prisons so we can lock up the immigration evildoers too.

    I wonder how many illegals are on the government payroll, both directly and indirectly through independent contractors?


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