
Monday, February 13, 2006

My Hats Off to GreenInk!

Illegal immigration has been and will continue to be a hot topic in this country. Conservatives and liberals alike argue about numbers -- how many is too many -- and whether illegal immigrants benefit or detract from the American Dream. What has been missing from this debate is an honest discussion of genuine freedom, the freedom to move about unfettered.

Brad, over at GreenInk!, decided yesterday to take the bull by the horns and wrote one of the best essays I've read on the topic in a long time . I encourage all readers and passersby to go read it in its entirety, "Easy immigration reform — legalize it".
Morally, putting limits on immigration is wrong. Who gave anyone the right to say where someone else can and cannot live? What right do Americans, whose ancestors pillaged, plundered, murdered and stole their way across the continent, have to draw lines on the map and say, “this is ours, now go home”? What right does ANY government have to control people in this way?

When did America become a big country club, where we go out of our way to tell everyone how great we are and then tell them they can’t get in without a membership? Screw that. I say, if someone wants to come here, let them. Actually, “let” is the wrong word, because nobody has an inherent right to tell anyone else where they can go.
Well said, Brad!!!

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