
Tuesday, January 24, 2006

The American Gestapo

Thanks to Rob over at Bazz Fazz Flong Jompers more people are waking up to the fascist machinations of the Bush Administration. While there are more reasons than I can count to oppose the reauthorization of the so-called Patriot Act, the creation of a NEW national police force in the same vein as the Nazi Gestapo certainly heads the list.
A provision in the "PATRIOT Act" creates a new federal police force with the power to violate the Bill of Rights. You might think that this cannot be true, as you have not read about it in newspapers or heard it discussed by talking heads on TV.

Go to House Report 109-333 USA PATRIOT Improvement and Reauthorization Act of 2005 and check it out for yourself.
In the name of ethics, democracy and freedom, please check this out. And, after you've checked out, protest it by every peaceable means possible!


  1. I've thought a lot about what's happening in the U.S., and even though most days I'm optimistic that the country will be saved from the fascists, and fascists IS exactly what they are, before stuff happens like you talk about here, Trey, On my more pessimistic days I plan my escape route.

    I keep hearing good things about Sweden. VERY high taxes, but for all the right reasons, to ensure that the rising tide of economic prosperity lifts all boats. I've talked to Swedes who say that they are happy to pay the taxes because they know it helps other people, and they get to enjoy incredible family leave, unemployment protection, and medical benefits that most Americans, in their me-first greed, don't want every American to have equal access to.

    Yeah, Sweden sounds good, and climatically parts of Sweden aren't that different from the Pacific Northwest.

  2. why pick sweden when you can have Belgium? :D

    Although every country has its flaws, this shows why non-American people look with unbelief at you. I really don't understand how this guy could get elected...twice! This is against every implication of the word freedom. I hope you guys have a next president who is capable of his job and who isn't influenced by the black gold in which daddy is a major stockholder...

    This is really an assault on human rights!

  3. why pick sweden when you can have Belgium? :D

    Well, you know, I did happen to hear something on the radio about Belgium recently that made it very appealing - it's flat and people ride bicycles everywhere!

  4. yes, the highest point is 694 meters :)
    I don't know where you get the fact that everyone rides bycicles, we have about 2,4 million cars in Belgium and only 10 million citizens. We have the highest amount of diesel cars and the shortest highways in Western Europe (I don't compare with Monaco and those other "countries" with only 10000 inhabitants of course :) ).
    Traffic is hell, NY can learn from us, really. If I want to travel from Antwerp to Brussels, which is about 40km, it takes me about 2hours in morning traffic (purely highway).
    But for the rest, we do have high taxes, but our social security is some of the best there is. Our government is incapable as yours, so that shouldn't be a problem :)

    btw: your first step to become a Belgian citizen: free BE domain for a year. No tricks, its with, our official DNS authority

  5. GW Bush just won't be happy 'til he's been coronated. And with all the gutless ball-less lawmakers we're stuck with, I wouldn't rule that out.


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