
Sunday, December 18, 2005

Peace in Olympia

Numbers can be deceiving. Though my old home (Salem, OR) is twice the size of the metro Olympia area, we had a lot of problems turning out sizeable numbers to protest the war in Iraq. Today, my wife & I joined a Peace Vigil sponsored by the Olympia Fellowship of Reconciliation.

I don't know how many hearty souls braved the cold weather, but we filled about 2 city blocks with people standing up for peace. We even had the opportunity to meet some area Greens, including one from Grays Harbor County! (See photo taken by Bob Ziegler.)

Now we know that we won't have to organize Grays Harbor County by ourselves!


  1. Salem is filled with a bunch of self-serving sellouts, it's no surprise you can never find a sizeable group in Salem unless it is a cause that involves making money.

  2. Mr. Viddy,

    I think your statement is a tad bit severe. There are a lot of good people in Salem!


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