
Sunday, December 11, 2005

Literal Rambling Leads to Writer's Block

For the 1st 6 months, I generally posted one or more entries per day on this blog. After that point, entries have become far more sporadic. Initially, this was the result of my impending Americorp*VISTA assignment. When that blew up in my face, I thought I'd return to my writings.

But a funny thing happened on the way -- My wife & I decided that since we were preparing to move [to Forks, WA], we would go ahead and move anyway with the only difference being our final destination. So, we up and decided to throw caution to the wind and we just completed a move to Aberdeen, WA.

Mind you, we don't know a soul in Aberdeen. We don't have any family here. We don't have new jobs lined up. No, we simply sold our house in Salem and found a nice house to rent in Aberdeen while we look for a house in the area to buy. In essence, we decided to do a little rambling.

Moving, particularly when one is older (more unneeded accumulation), is a time-consuming process. It leaves one little time nor energy to write. It's causes a sort of physical writer's block.

Hopefully, now that we're settling in, I can finally get back to daily writing.

1 comment:

  1. Discard clutter and useless'll discover you have more you never knew were there ;-)


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