
Saturday, July 30, 2005

There Is a Season

If a person wants their blog to be read and/or highly ranked, one of the number one rules in the blogosphere is to post entries frequently. It is suggested that the blogger not only try to post at least daily, but several entries per day. Since I haven't posted anything for the past week, it should be obvious that the purpose of this blog is NOT conditioned on the hope that it will be ranked highly!

Back in the 60s, the folk-rock group, The Byrds, climbed the pop charts with the hit, "Turn! Turn! Turn!". Written by the legendary Pete Seeger, the song encompasses the Book of Ecclastiastes.
To every thing, turn, turn, turn,
There is a season, turn, turn,turn,
And a time to every purpose under heaven.

Put in the Taoist terminology of Yin-Yang, there's a time to write and a time to put down one's pen to ponder.

During the past week or so, I've spent more time focusing on the latter. In fact, not only have I not written on this blog for over one week, I've tried spending less time on my computer altogether!

For the past 3 days, my wife & I spent some time at the central Washington coast. No phones! No computers! Just the sounds, smells and views of the mighty Pacific Ocean.

Very peaceful.


  1. Welcome back to reality. We have missed you but there is nothing like the Pacific Ocean to make one feel the insignificance of a single person. In a way, it is quite liberating to realize you can't carry the whole load of the universe on your shoulders.

  2. Excellent! Well done.


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