
Friday, July 8, 2005

Manufacturing Polarization

We hear it all the time -- the American public is polarized. We are told that the perspectives on key issues are so divergent that it's next to impossible to find common ground. While this belief may true in some instances, I've found recently that a great deal of it is manufactured.

Over at Where's Your Brain?, the blog's author posted an entry entitled, "Who Really Hurts Our Children?". The topic centers on the Groene children and the man arrested for sexually molesting them (and possibly killing their mother, brother and boyfriend).

There were several back-and-forth comments about how possible organic brain dysfunction plays a role in those individuals afflicted with pedophilia. However, by and large, there was much agreement that pedophilia is adverse to a civilized society and should be dealt with via strong legal measures.

But finding common ground seemed to upset the host of that blog. She relishes the opportunity to blame all of the world's problems on "socialists" and "liberals". According to her, socialists and liberals (basically anyone who doesn't agree with her) are all morons who can't think our way out of a paper bag. It must pain her greatly to find an issue in which we agree on many of the parameters.

When I responded to one of her inflammatory comments by pointing out that we agree on most of the key issues on this topic, she immediately deleted it. I reposted it and she deleted it again. I tried this tactic a third time with the same net result.

In essence, she is trying hard to create polarization where none exists. She's so entrenched in the us vs them mentality that the discovery of common ground terrifies her. So, to restore her own sense of equalibrium, she has merely removed the opportunity for others to see that our positions on pedophilia aren't that far apart and, with some effort, a compromise might be reached.

I don't think she's alone either. Far too many people on the Right AND the Left fear coming together more than anything else. So, they erect artificial barriers and then point to these self-made barriers as proof positive that polarization exists.

For the record, here's the comment that has been repeatedly deleted from Where's Your Brain?
JustaDog's continued censorship of my later comments on this thread offer an apt example of why this nation has become so polarized. Here we have an issue in which the two of us share much agreement. We agree that pedophilia must not be tolerated. We agree that the sexual victimization of children is ruinous to children's lives. We agree that pedophiles should be arrested. We agree that they should be jailed. We agree that they should be permanently removed from society. The chief point where our opinions diverge is that JustaDog wants them put to death and I want them locked up with no possibility for parole.

Our positions are NOT that far apart. Yet, because I don't condone the death penalty, JustaDog is trying to make it seem like we are one million miles apart on this topic. She is trying to convince everyone that, because we disagree on one aspect, we are in complete disagreement.

She is creating polarization, instead of recognizing the wide swath of common ground.


  1. Dead-on. You see it everywhere. Sad, really.

    I agree with JustaDog on the death penalty for convicted child-sex offenders, though.

  2. I agree with JustaDog on the death penalty for convicted child-sex offenders, though.

    Well, I disagree. Other than that one singular point, we DO agree on most of the others re pedophiles and I think the agreements are far more important than the one point we diverge on.


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