
Sunday, May 15, 2005

My Word Is Rule

According to some recent visitors to my blog, my word is rule. In comments left, they have indicated that, if the "great" I disapproves of something, they can no longer feel good about it or have pride in it. I have a message for such people -- Get a Life!

It's downright difficult to live one's life always worried about what others might think, feel or believe. If you try to please everybody ALL of the time, you'll soon discover that you displease most of the people most of the time. Even worse, you'll one day discover that you are a person without a foundation.

I'm certainly not suggesting you disregard what others think or say. As social beings who find worth by being a member of community, none of us can be an island unto ourselves. However, we each make a dreadful mistake when we substitute the perceptions of others for our own.

Like with all things in life, we must each seek to strike balance. Pay attention to the needs and observations of others while not compromising who you are or the principles you live by.

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