
Monday, February 7, 2005

I Beg Your Pardon...

I've got a great idea for a hit country song. The chorus goes something like "I beg your pardon...there's an impostor in the Rose Garden".

You see -- and I know this is going to sound very unpatriotic -- I simply cannot accept the smirking grin that occupies the White House. Every time I see his face or hear his voice, it pushes me into a mad fervor. Knowing this, I avoid his countenance at all costs.

I realize some might say I'm behaving like a sore loser. My guy didn't win and so I'm throwing a tantrum. Well, I've got something to say to those people -- I've NEVER voted for the presidential victor. Not once. In 1980, I voted for John Anderson. In every race since, I've voted for a 3rd party candidate or (one year) I simply refused to vote in the presidential race.

So, this isn't about MY candidate not winning. No, my frustration is that the person occupying the White House didn't win either!

It's been very well documented that W did not win Florida in 2000 -- It was handed to him by Katherine Harris, Jeb Bush and the U.S. Supreme Court. Al Gore carried that state and should have been declared the winner. The ONLY reason the 2004 presidential race appeared as close as it did was because W got to play the role of the incumbent. But, as indicated above, he shouldn't have been the incumbent!

What's more, I don't think he won the electoral college vote in 2004 as well. I realize the "official" Ohio recount indicated that W indeed carried the state, but the official recount left over 100,000 votes still not tallied. Add to this the fact that there are strong charges of voting irregularities -- all conveniently favoring W -- in North Carolina, Florida, Nevada, New Mexico and who knows where else and the christened result is very much in doubt.

From my humble perspective, W has twice been crowned the victor and he didn't earn it either time. In essence, our nation is being lorded over by an imposter -- the man who would be king.

Please don't misunderstand. I believe in America. I believe in our ideals. I AM a bit perplexed with the 59 million of my brethren who it appears voted for W, but I'm willing to cut them some slack. I simply don't believe in the man and his minions who have stolen the reigns of government. It's like I'm a passenger on a hijacked airplane. I don't begrudge the airline; it's the hijackers I'm fearful of.

In the final analysis, though, I guess I AM a little upset with my fellow citizens -- more than I ever realized. It's bad enough to have this imposter as our so-called leader, but it's even worse that more people aren't up in arms. Americans can easily become indignant when they hear of voting irregularities in the Ukraine, but they seem to shrug their shoulders when it happens right under their noses.

If this kind of apathy continues or increases, then we will know that W truly did win. In the end, that's what W, Cheney and Rove REALLY want -- A docile electorate that feels so impotent that they will allow an armed robbery to occur right in front of their eyes and not even possess the gumption to try to stop it or call out for help.

I refuse to play that role. How about you?

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