
Sunday, October 14, 2012

Lesser or Greater

Trey Smith

As Gerald Celente says in the Autumn Issue of the Trends Journal, when confronted with the choice between two evils, you don’t vote for the lessor evil. You boycott the election and do not vote. “Lesser or greater, evil is evil.”

If Americans had any sense, no one would vote in the November election. Whoever wins the November election, it will be a defeat for the American people.
~ from Don't Vote for Evil by Dr. Paul Craig Roberts ~
This seems like such an easy concept to grasp for me, but it's one that has been lost on liberals for generations. Yes, there may have been a time in our distant past when the Democrats were demonstratively better than the GOP, but those days are long gone. A quick perusal of Obama's record on issue after issue makes this point abundantly clear.

And yet, voting for the "lesser evil" is still rampant among progressives. While a good majority of Obama's base have been sorely disappointed by his administration, this continues to be one of their rallying cries this year. "Hey, ya gotta vote Obama because he ain't as bad as Romney!"

Both of them are bad news. We already KNOW how bad Obama has been and we have a good inkling of how bad Romney would be. Because they both come from the same mold, I refuse to vote for either one of them. If more people would join me in refusing to vote for either of these corporate hacks, that would send a strong message to Washington DC.


  1. Instead of just not voting for evil, why not also vote for good? The only vote wasted is the one not cast, and even though we may not win, third party votes have influenced the election in the past in some ways.

    So stop being so politically passive and toss aside your apathy and vote for Jill Stein! (if it's not too much trouble) I myself am looking forward to walking into that voting booth on election day for the first time and pulling the lever next to the big G, for Good. Because I vote for what I believe in, not the candidate most likely to win.

  2. I don't find Trey's stance at all passive.

    it is after all incredibly Taoist. who'd ask for someone to lead them?


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