
Tuesday, July 17, 2012

One Day

Trey Smith

For all of humankind's religious and philosophic beliefs, one day it won't matter. At some point in the distant future, that big star that we call the sun will start to die. As it goes through its death throes, life as we know it on Planet Earth will end.

It won't matter if society becomes completely hedonistic OR if society becomes a utopia. It won't matter if we adopt the mantra, "burn baby, burn" OR if we lead the most sustainable lives possible. It won't matter if all people are awaiting the return of Jesus OR if such beliefs have fallen by the wayside.

Owing to the laws of physics, our sun eventually will burn itself out. There is nothing we can do to stop or even slow it down. It is inevitable.

Of course, this eventuality won't happen in your or my lifetime. In fact, it won't happen for billions of years. Who knows! The human species may be long extinct by that time.

Still, it's sobering to think that the human race might last that long. What would that last generation think?

It's hard to fathom.

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