
Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Mencius - Book 2, Part 1, Chapter 7

Mencius said, 'Is the arrow-maker less benevolent than the maker of armor of defense? And yet, the arrow-maker's only fear is lest men should not be hurt, and the armor-maker's only fear is lest men should be hurt. So it is with the priest and the coffin-maker. The choice of a profession, therefore, is a thing in which great caution is required.

'Confucius said, "It is virtuous manners which constitute the excellence of a neighborhood. If a man, in selecting a residence, do not fix on one where such prevail, how can he be wise?" Now, benevolence is the most honorable dignity conferred by Heaven, and the quiet home in which man should awell. Since no one can hinder us from being so, if yet we are not benevolent; this is being not wise.

'From the want of benevolence and the want of wisdom will ensue the entire absence of propriety and righteousness; he who is in such a case must be the servant of other men. To be the servant of men and yet ashamed of such servitude, is like a bowmaker's being ashamed to make bows, or an arrow-maker's being ashamed to make arrows.

'If he be ashamed of his case, his best course is to practice benevolence.

'The man who would be benevolent is like the archer. The archer adjusts himself and then shoots. If he misses, he does not murmur against those who surpass himself. He simply turns round and seeks the cause of his failure in himself.'
~ James Legge translation via ~
Go here to read the introductory post to this serialized version of the Works of Mencius.

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