
Saturday, July 21, 2012

Look to "The Plan"

Trey Smith

[On Wednesday night], George Zimmerman — who is currently facing second degree murder charges for killing Trayvon Martin — participated in a highly unusual interview on Fox News with Sean Hannity.

Hannity asked Zimmerman if he regretted getting out of his car to follow Trayvon, carrying a gun, or anything at all about the night he killed Trayvon Martin. Zimmerman said he regretted nothing because he believed “it was all God’s plan.” He also said there isn’t anything he would do differently in retrospect.
~ from George Zimmerman Says He Wouldn't Do Anything Differently: "It Was God's Plan" for Me to Kill Trayvon Martin by Judd Legum ~
I don't know about you, but I sure get sick and tired of hearing about the nebulous "plan." This explanation tends to be brought out in one of two situations: 1) A person or group receives something they really aren't entitled to or b) A person or group makes a poor decision that has serious ramifications for someone else.

What makes this so much worse is that Zimmermann also said in the interview that he is sorry that his actions caused Trayvon Martin's death. So, let me get this straight. He's sorry that he killed a teenager, but at the same time, he says he believes that killing Martin is what God wanted him to do.

Oh, I get it now. It's God's fault, not his!

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