
Sunday, April 1, 2012

Don't Egg Them On

Htims Yert

An annual Easter egg hunt attended by hundreds of children has been canceled because of misbehavior last year. Not by the kids, but by the grown-ups.

Too many parents determined to see their children get an egg jumped a rope marking the boundaries of the children-only hunt at Bancroft Park last year. The hunt was over in seconds, to the consternation of eggless tots and the rules-abiding parents.

Organizers say the hunt in Old Colorado City has gotten too big for the hundreds of children and parents now attending. They canceled this year.

Last April's egg hunt, sponsored by the Old Colorado City Association, experienced a few technical difficulties, said Mazie Baalman, owner of Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory and sponsor of the event.

There was no place to hide the plastic eggs, which were filled with donated candy or coupons redeemable at nearby businesses. So thousands of eggs were put in plain view on the grass. A bullhorn to start the event malfunctioned, so Baalman, master of ceremonies, used a public address system that was hard to hear.

"So everybody thinks you said `Go,' and everybody goes, and it's over in seconds," Baalman said. "If one parent gets in there, other parents say, `If one can get in, we all can get in,' and everybody goes."
~ from Aggressive Parents Force Egg Hunt Cancellation by P. Solomon Banda ~
A really sad commentary on American society, wouldn't you say?


  1. In a way. And yet any parent who has had to stand by and watch their child miss out because of aggressive kids who are just in it to hoard as much as they can for themselves... It's possibly not wise to stage these types of events on a large scale. Better to leave it to smaller groups or individual families, where the behaviour of the children (and the adults?) can be monitored better.

  2. These events are awesome. i saw two 5 yr old punch a kids teeth out for his chocolate bunny. i then saw a parent trip a senior citizen getting out of a wheel chair so they could grab his egg. I don't understand why any.
    parent would allow there kid to carry coffee around at an event like this. It makes sense when there pouring it in the other kids to try and steal there candy. Parents are monsters at these things.


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