
Sunday, March 11, 2012

One Minute from Now

Trey Smith

One minute from now it will be one hour and one minute later. Yes, it's time to "spring forward" to Daylight Savings Time!

In a manner of speaking, this "advancement" only proves that time is a human construct. This springing forward or falling back is not ordained by nature; it comes via government decree. A bunch of people one day decided to dicker with the clock and so we jump forward in March or fall back an hour in November.

Does Tao (or a god) care about time and clocks? I don't think so. When time miraculously jumps ahead the ONLY thing that will have changed in an essential way (other than the fact all things change somewhat from moment to moment) is the face of the clock.

I know I won't feel one hour older!


  1. Not all of us do; Hawaii does not observe this convention. It is a nuisance; now we have to remember what time it is where YOU are.

  2. So what did you do during the hour I lost? :-D

  3. We neither gain nor lose. We're like on another planet. More dramatic to me is when I fly west to the Far East and arrive back home on the same day I left, sometimes even earlier than I left. Vacations--and business trips--are always , in total, a day different than what the calendar indicates when you plan them. You lose the day outbound, gain it back inbound. DST is one thing, the Dateline is something else.


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