
Thursday, March 8, 2012

The Inhumanity of it All

Trey Smith

Call a Georgetown law student a slut, and the liberal universe goes into supernova. Destroy Somalia and Libya, or obliterate due process of law, and the same people just yawn. Attorney General Eric Holder “asserts that the president can in fact decide to kill anyone he wants, as long as he claims that person is a terrorist.” Liberals love the guy.
~ from Freedom Rider: Liberal Whores by Margaret Kimberley ~
By and large, Americans -- particularly liberals -- get themselves all out of joint over words, but not actions. Say the wrong thing and consternation boils over. Do the wrong thing and they hardly notice.

The US has become one of the great killing machines of human history. We kill with bombs and missiles as much as with economic shenanigans. We bully people inside and outside of our borders. We rape Mother Earth like a serial rapist.

And yet, while most of this is going on, the liberal intelligentsia sits on the sidelines. While it's true that they will muster some indignation if a Republican is at the helm, when a Democrat takes over the wheel, we see that the indignation is little more than a facade. All their cries for justice and peace fade away in an instant.

While few people would disagree that calling Sandra Fluke a "slut" is bad form, killing people and destroying the ability of the planet to sustain life as we know it is 100 times worse. Why is it that the liberal intelligentsia will jump to the defense of one individual, but turns a blind eye to the plight of the billions?

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