
Saturday, March 3, 2012

The Eerie Glow of Money

Trey Smith

What is a government to do when pollution or toxins threaten to harm the almighty god of economics? Well, a government COULD decide to put the health and safety of its citizens first and simply accept that an economic hit must be taken. Sadly, this option is rarely invoked as can be seen in the Japanese government's reaction to the calamity at the Fukushima nuclear plant.
In the immediate aftermath of the nuclear crisis, Tokyo announced it was raising the permitted level of radiation in food by a factor of five, meaning produce that would previously have been thrown out was suddenly alright.
Think about this for half of a second. On the day before the disaster unfolded, x was considered too much. Now, through the magic of economics, xxxxx is the new threshold.

It is more than obvious that these changes have nothing to do with science -- it's all about economics. The lower standard means that fewer crops are sold and less money is made. So, to combat this potential problem, the easy solution is to raise the standard!

You want to now WHY people around the globe have little faith in their government leadership? This situation offers a stark answer!

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