
Saturday, March 10, 2012

Daily Tao - Look the Other Way

Many people only ever look out of the back of their head (the so called front), through the eyes and into the projection itself.

Few of us look forward into the (so called) “back” of our head where the light beams out as it is channeled up from the heart.

Daily Tao is a reprint from Ta-Wan's blog, Daily Cup of Tao, which offers one post per day for an entire year. You also can read these posts in an ebook.

1 comment:

  1. There is a wonderful Taiwanese movie called Yi Yi, which features a troubled boy who gets a camera. His father is disturbed when he picks up some photos at the developer, and the boy has taken nothing but pictures of the backs of people's heads. The boy explains, "I want to show them what they can't ever see themselves."


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