Trey Smith
No one wants to see their city and nation torched, but it's easy to understand the angst the fires represent. Basically, the Greek government has sold the health and welfare of its own citizens in order to satisfy the megalomaniacal of desires of international banksters. No wonder the people are pissed!
Greece's parliament approved a deeply unpopular austerity bill Monday to secure a second EU/IMF bailout and avoid national bankruptcy, as buildings burned across central Athens and violence spread around the country.
Cinemas, cafes, shops and banks were set ablaze in central Athens and black-masked protesters fought riot police outside parliament before lawmakers voted on the package that demands deep pay, pension and job cuts -- the price of a 130 billion euro ($172 billion) bailout needed to keep the country afloat.
~ from Greek Lawmakers Pass Austerity Bill as Athens Burns by Harry Papachristou and Yannis Behrakis ~
But what I found more incredulous from this report from Reuters is the following:
Altogether 199 of the 300 lawmakers backed the bill, but 43 deputies from the two parties in the government of Prime Minister Lucas Papademos, the socialists and conservatives, rebelled by voting against It. They were immediately expelled by their parties.Imagine that! Forty-three deputies voted their conscience and they got kicked out for the effort.
This brings new meaning to the the phrase, "toeing the line." In today's world, if you refuse to toe the line drawn by the elites, you're toast!!
Greece has this coming. They were living far beyond their means for years (retirement at 50 something, low taxes, excessive govt handouts etc). Now their bitching because the government is taking away their bottle. Yes, the banksters probably planned this to milk Greece for every penny, but it was ultimately the Greek's own laziness that caused this crisis, and now they're paying for it. There is a difference between looking out your peoples well being and spoiling them.