
Sunday, February 5, 2012

The Root of Poverty

Trey Smith

What causes [economic] poverty? The rich will tell you that it's not their fault. They worked for what they have and, if you don't work as hard, then it's your own damn fault!

While we certainly could debate just how "hard" the average mega wealthy individual works, I'm not going to go there in this post. The way I see it -- and I think my view is consistent with the Taoist sages, for whatever that's worth -- is that wealth creates poverty.

Anytime anyone takes more than they need, they are robbing everyone else. When I take 10 apples, but I realistically can only use 4 of them, I am depriving others of 6 apples.

In all candor, those of us who live in the western world are ALL guilty. While my wife and I are poor by US standards, we would be considered royalty in other parts of the world. My wife works full-time at $10.33/hour. There are workers in other countries that aren't paid nearly as much in a day, week, month or year!

While almost all of us westerners share a degree of guilt, the wealthy elite share a greater proportion. It doesn't matter how hard they work. It doesn't matter how important their "job" is. It doesn't matter how smart they are. None of that matters.

When any one person takes home millions and millions of dollars per year, while others are forced to survive on pennies or dollars per day, you are a thief. You are taking more than you are entitled to. Your excess jeopardizes another person's bare subsistence. You are hoarding resources that other people and creatures need to live.

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