
Friday, January 20, 2012

Dumbing Down America

Trey Smith

More than one study has shown that those who watch Fox News have a far worse grasp on current events than those who get their news from other sources. While all news organizations slant the news they report to a certain degree, Fox News has made the deliberate decision to masquerade disinformation as objective information.

Why have they decided to follow this strategy?

For the thinking person, the answer is patently obvious: A dumber populace is more compliant to the plans and machinations of the elite! The free flow of usable and useful information is the bane for those who hope to manipulate people to support policies and initiatives that go against their own interests.

While disinformation is pervasive throughout the mainstream media and the government's talking heads, there is another strategy being utilized under our noses to keep the average American as dumb as possible: Pricing higher education out of the reach of all but the richest families.

According to an article by Sarah Jaffe,
...even an average public university will cost $81,000 for four years if tuition hikes continue at current rates — which are increasing much faster than inflation.
Think about that $81,000 figure for just a moment. A generation or two ago that was the average price of a middle class home.

If a family has two children who plan to go to college, that price tag doubles. Three kids and it triples. Four children and we're talking about almost 1/3 of a million just to go to college to earn a degree in the hopes of landing fewer and fewer good-paying jobs.

With middle and working class wages stagnating, fewer and fewer people will have the opportunity to learn past the high school level. Even worse, a public education ain't what it use to be. With austerity the name of game, public education cuts keep adding up. In no time at all, a high school diploma won't be worth much more than an 8th grade education of a generation or two ago.

What we are witnessing here is a concerted strategy by the elite to put more and more Americans in the dark by taking away any hope of finding even one light switch!!

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