by Ta-Wan
by Ta-Wan
What do others think of you? What do you think of them? Really? Does this alter? No one knows anyone else, no one knows you, not really. The opinion one person has of another is not valid and so then when you're held in high esteem, disliked, loved, feared, despised, depended on, or seen as an angel, all that is is a brief and fleeting opinion. You could easily be a bastard and a great person at exactly the same time. Riches and what most see as happiness are also fictitious and passing labels of no fixed quality. There is always this relative scale and as success instills the fear of failure, a loss opens up room for gain, these games play out. True happiness never alters though.
True happiness is here and now, unencumbered by mind, labels and opinions of others are not present. Someone labeling you as successful is meaningless compared with true happiness in the here and now.
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