
Sunday, November 6, 2011

Huainanzi - Entry 16

When society is orderly, you protect yourself with justice; when society is confused, you protect justice by yourself.
~ a passage from The Book of Leadership and Strategy by Thomas Cleary ~
Once again, it seems to me the Chinese Masters are talking about the Occupy movement!

What's the main beef of the people in the streets? The lack of fairness (justice) in our economic system. The rich elite aren't forced to play by the same rules the rest of us must play by. Even worse, they utilize those very rules to keep us subjugated.

When a society is administered more fairly -- no system is completely fair -- the people go about their daily routines. They know that, if something gets out of kilter, the society will work to iron out the discrepancies and they will have the faith that the solutions proffered will be more or less just.

When a society is not administered fairly in the least, a good number of folks regularly are thrown off their daily routines. They may lose their jobs, homes, health care, educational opportunities, retirement funds -- the ability to take care of their families. They come to understand that the cards are stacked against them and the ruling powers have no interest in trying equitably to iron out the discrepancies.

It is at this juncture that the masses lose faith and that is where we find ourselves today. When the majority comes to the realization that justice is missing, they must take the situation into their own hands and fight for justice in the streets.

To read the introduction to this ongoing series, go here.

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