
Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Another National "Tragedy" Narrowly Averted

Remember how all of us liberals got together recently and secretly plotted to somehow remove “In God We Trust” as America’s national motto? And remember how the final stage of our awesome plan was just about to be implemented, and not a single Real American knew of it? Bad news, liberals: House Republicans caught wind of our plot and jumped into action, scheduling a vote affirming “In God We Trust” as our national motto this evening. This bill, addressing perhaps the single most pressing issue of our time, will likely be passed some time after 6:30 p.m. Eastern time.
~ from GOP Cunningly Defeats Our Plan to Ban God from National Motto by Alex Pareene ~
You can imagine the sigh of relief I experienced when I discovered the resolution passed by a vote of 396-9. While the approval rating of Congress is at an all-time low, it's good to know that Republicans and Democrats can come together in a bipartisan manner to deal with such a critical issue!

What really chaps my hide is that only 9 representatives voted against this stupid resolution. As Pareene points out, it is not needed. There is no concerted effort to change the wording of the motto. I mean, who really gives that much of a diddly darn about the motto anyway? It's not like it makes any kind of substantive difference.

I haven't spent much, if any, of my adult life thinking about the motto. However, now that the issue has been brought up, I think we non-Christians should ban together to form the kind of concerted effort that previously didn't exist. In a nation that supposedly has a barrier between church and state, why do we even have a motto that favors one religion over another or none at all?

I'm a US citizen and I don't trust in God. I don't think he exists. I mean, I trust in God as much as I have trust in the Tooth Fairy, Santa Claus or leprechauns! So, this wondrous national motto certainly doesn't speak for me or any of the other folks -- a growing number, I might add -- who don't believe in A god or THIS god either!

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