
Thursday, October 20, 2011

Huainanzi - Entry 10

Enlightened people are able to criticize rulers when they see a fault, because they are mindless of reprisal. They are able to defer to the wise when they see them, because they are mindless of social status. They are able to give to those in need, because they are mindless of their own poverty.
~ a passage from The Book of Leadership and Strategy by Thomas Cleary ~
If I were to sum up the underlying message of this passage in a phrase, it would be pureness of heart. When we engage the world around us with pureness -- no personal agendas or attempts at self-aggrandizement -- others are far more likely to listen and/or seek out our counsel. They understand intuitively that our words and actions are not meant to elevate our status or to pump up our ego; we merely are trying to be helpful.

To read the introduction to this ongoing series, go here.

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