
Monday, September 5, 2011

When It Rains Fire

After some 8,000 bombing raids, with estimates of 4 bombs used per attack NATO has already dropped over 30,000 bombs on Libya. That’s almost 200 bombs per day for 6 months, some tens of thousands of tons of high explosives. With an estimated 2 Libyans killed per bomb and without a single NATO casualty the Western regimes have massacred over 60,000 Libyans in the past half year with the rebels themselves having said there have been 50,000 Libyan deaths. One hell of a humanitarian intervention isn’t it?
~ from 30,000 Bombs Over Libya by Thomas C. Mountain ~
In a twisted sort of way, President Obama was correct when he said that the attack on Libya didn't meet the technical definition of a "war." How can a nation or an alliance of nations participate in a war when there is little possibility of incurring any casualties? Instead of a war, we have engaged in an exercise not much different than shooting fish in a barrel!!

For all the American and Europeans who supported this act of wanton aggression, how do you feel now that you have the blood of 50,000 - 60,000 dead (but "liberated") Libyans on your hands? How do you feel now that we blown up much of Libya's infrastructure in a "humanitarian" manner?

Mr. Mountain highlights another nefarious aspect of this slaughter, one that doesn't get a lot of play in the mainstream American press.
A major problem for NATO and its Libyan Quisling League a.k.a the National Transitional Council (NTC) is that most of rebel military is now under the leadership the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG), a self described affiliate of Al Queda in the Maghreb (North Africa). The “general” in command of the mainly ethnic Berber rebel fighters that have captured the Libyan capital, known as the Tripoli Military Council, is the head of the LIFG. One of his top commanders is head of the Benghazi based rebel army. With the recent murder of “General” Younnis, former head of the Libyan secret police and once considered the most feared man in the country, the LIFG has now taken over leadership of almost all of the most effective fighting forces of the Libyan rebellion.

Quite an accomplishment and Al Queda in the Maghreb’s sincere thanks must go to the USA and its allies in NATO.
I read somewhere else that the chief rebel military commander is a former prisoner at Gitmo. You know, that place where we supposedly hold "bloodthirsty terrorists" indefinitely? It seems they employ an extremely odd prison release program!

So, there you have it in all its glory. On the one hand, we say we are in Libya to save lives and the way we save lives is by murdering 50,000 or 60,000 people, many of them the very folks we were there ostensibly to save. On the other hand, while our leaders say our number goal is to rid the world of Al Queda, we (wink, wink) look the other way while Al Queda leads the rebel army.

It all makes perfect sense...if you use doublethink!!

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