
Monday, September 5, 2011

Sacrificing Jobs

Whenever conservatives confront environmental legislation and regulations, what is it that is bound to come out of their mouths? Why, of course, the specific piece of legislation or regulation will cost jobs! Liberals and leftists respond to this assertion with a knee jerk reaction: They present a bunch of statistics that show that environmental safeguards actually increase jobs.

But let's be brutally honest. In this case, the conservatives are correct. If there were few, if any, environmental policies in place, there most likely would be more jobs available. These jobs wouldn't be safe or healthy jobs, but they would be jobs, nonetheless.

Not only would there be more run-of-the-mill dangerous jobs, there would be a greater demand for medical and mental health professionals as well as coroners and mortuary workers!

From my perspective, it would be more beneficial to have fewer jobs than to have a terminally sick and more polluted world. While the opportunity for employment is an important consideration, health and safety trumps it every time.

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