
Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Real Life Tao - It Is All About Cycles

As I reported yesterday, I have incurred a major computer-related issue. I updated my operating system (from Linux Mint 10 to 11) and lost all my backed up data in the process. This aggrieves me to no end because, in the past, the major sin I committed in relation to a computer malfunction was no backing up my files on external media. This time I did just that -- using a program I've utilized countless times before with no problems whatsoever -- and yet I still find myself in the same spot -- back at square one!

After spending a bit of time cursing and then feeling rather empty, something struck me. Yes, this situation IS annoying, but it's not the end of the world. No one died or was injured in the process. Except for my aggravation, my life isn't that much different. I still sleep in the same place, eat about the same times each day and share my home with my loving wife and adoring pets.

Life is all about cycles. When one thing comes to an end, another is born. While I'm not happy that I lost so much data, let's be honest, the majority of that data wasn't all that important in the overall scheme of things. Our computers seem to pick up and retain a whole bunch of muck. I have the opportunity now to reboot the whole process with a clean slate.

Wouldn't it be cool if we could reboot our lives at various points? We do reboot in small ways as we change jobs, start new relationships and/or move to a new abode. But it's not quite the same thing as clearing out our psychological hard drives and going with a new operating system.

This post is part of a series. For an introduction, go here.

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