
Tuesday, September 13, 2011

One More Computer Update

There are times when being OCD is beneficial!! I haven't slept or eaten much the past 2 days as I have been trying my darnedest to figure out a way to retrieve some of my lost data. Early this morning I succeeded in reclaiming the most important data: the family's accounting and bank book.

I'd love to tell you that I completely understand HOW I was able to resurrect it, but that would be a bit of a fib. It involved several very convoluted strategies that, by luck of the draw, somehow worked. A program that I had downloaded kept aborting when I tried to install it. I would get the same error message each time and then I'd scream, "@@$#%^$%!"

About 2:00 am this morning, I thought I would try one last time in order to write down the lib file that was causing the conflict. I went through the usual paces and, when I got to the point in which the install repeatedly had aborted, something different occurred -- it didn't abort. I was able to install an old version of KMyMoney (a Linux version similar to Quicken and MSMoney) and, even more amazingly, this old program read the data files!! I was then able to resave the data as an xml file.

I uninstalled the old KMyMoney and then reinstalled the current version. With my fingers crossed, I tried to import the xml file and it worked like a charm!! So, our bank book is back up to date. Whew!

I still can't seem to access any of the other important files, but I'm not giving up completely. I will continue to work on a few of them here and there, but I'm not going to commit to their salvation 24/7.


  1. When I first loaded Linux, I tried several accounting programs, including GNU-Cash. I liked KMyMoney the best because it was similar to Quicken, a program I had used for the previous decade or so.


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