
Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Its Own Kind of War

A meta-analysis on 19 studies confirms kidney and liver toxicity in rats and mice fed on GM soybean and maize, representing more than 80 percent of all commercially available GM food; it also exposes gross inadequacies of current risk assessment.
~ from GM Feed Toxic, New Meta-Analysis Confirms by Dr Eva Sirinathsinghji ~
Generally, when we think of war, we think of soldiers, guns, bullets, missiles, drones and tanks. We think of two sides duking it out for territory, resources, religion and/or ideology. But there is another war going on right now, but this one hardly registers a blip on most people's radar screens.

This war is far more insidious than most. The target is the worldwide food supply and, if the aggressors prove successful, almost everyone in the world will become a war victim!!

As with most wars, money plays a huge role. The agrichemical industry wants to do away with most natural food crops to be replaced by genetically-modified versions. Since they own the patented seeds and farmers are prohibited from saving seeds from year to year, they have created a system that will provide them with a staggering windfall of profit year after year after year.

If that wasn't bad enough -- and it is extremely bad for subsistence farmers -- more and more studies are indicating that these new food crops are dangerous to human health. Isn't that what everyone wants to hear, that your bowl of corn flakes ultimately will kill you?

The worst part of all is that the clock is ticking. This isn't the kind of war that we can put off. We can't say, let's work up a defensive battle plan to implement in the next decade or so. You see, GMO seed and plants are like a Trojan horse. Once the seeds are planted and grow into crops, the wind carries their genetic blueprint to places far and wide. This blueprint mingles with the DNA of non-GMO plants and, before you know it, all plants carry GMO markers.

The agrichemical industry understands this dynamic and so they only need to forestall opposition for a decade or two. If GMOs remain legal during this time frame, they will end up cornering the future market for seeds and food crops by default.

This is why the time to stop them isn't tomorrow; it's n-o-w.

1 comment:

  1. Monsanto, Bayer, ADM, and a everyone who ever "assisted" them inside the EPA and FDA ought to be put on trial for crimes against humanity and the world.


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