
Wednesday, September 7, 2011

I Play A Progressive on TV

Listening to Obama talk about jobs and shared prosperity yesterday reminded me that we are back in campaign mode and Barack Obama has started doing again what he does best – play the part of a progressive. He's good at it. It sounds like he has a natural affinity for union workers and ordinary people when he makes these speeches. But his policies are crafted by representatives of corporate/financial America, who happen to entirely make up his inner circle.

I just don't believe this guy anymore, and it's become almost painful to listen to him.
~ from Obama and Jobs: Why I Don't Believe Him Anymore by Matt Taibbi ~
I can honestly say that it's not as painful for me as it is for Taibbi because I didn't believe him in the first place! His presidency has worked out more or less like I expected. As anyone who reads this blog should know, I'm not an Obama fan.

But I will give some props to the man for one thing: Like Bill Clinton before him, he is a great actor! He plays the role of a progressive very well. He knows how to say the things progressives want to hear and he almost comes off as sincere.

If he wins reelection, the man should be nominated for an Oscar! He will have the duped the same people twice and few of them will be none the wiser.


  1. "If he wins reelection, the man should be nominated for an Oscar!"

    Agreed. And unlike the Nobel Peace Prize, with this award he will have actually earned it.....



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