
Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Greedy Bastards

We’re a country of workers. Instead of raising the black flag and setting out looking for throats to slit, people simply put their shoulders to the wheel and work all the harder. It’s astonishing. But when it comes time for contract negotiations, and the workers ask for a commensurate raise, management forgets all the hard work and loyalty and, instead, regards these people as greedy bastards. The less these managers pay their workers, the sooner they’ll earn that next promotion.
~ from We Do the Work by David Macaray ~
It's interesting how we're taught from an early age the importance of being a "team player." This concept is driven home particularly in the area of sports: Team first, individual second. Yet, as Macaray deftly points out, this rah rah team notion gets chucked aside when it comes to the fruits the TEAM has created.

When the work needs to be done, we're a team. When the paychecks are handed out, we're not!

1 comment:

  1. There's no "you" in team. So they say, "screw you"


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