
Wednesday, September 14, 2011

American Exceptionalism Indeed!

Want to see a startling statistic: According to the census, 22 percent of American children live in poverty. (Source: US Census Bureau via TruthDig)

I get so tired of hearing about how "exceptional" America or Americans are. If we're so damn exceptional, then why are between 1 in 5 and 1 in 4 children in this country living in poverty? Why do so many of them rely on Food Stamps to have enough to eat? Why do so many of them not receive routine medical care?

What is truly exceptional about US society is that, while many wealthy corporations and individuals employ both legal and not-so-legal strategies to get out of paying ANY income tax, children go hungry! That isn't exceptionally good, that's exceptionally B-A-D.

So, the next time you hear a politician or demagogue thump their chest and declare that the United States is the greatest nation in the history of humankind, ask that person about the 22% (and increasing) number of children living in poverty. Ask that person why a so-called great nation seems eager to throw a significant number of the next generation under the bus.

Don't allow them to worm their way out of answering the question directly. Make them look you straight in the eye to tell you WHY a certain portion of this nation's children don't matter!

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