
Friday, August 19, 2011

Those "Bloodthirsty" Muslims

If you listen to a certain segment of the US population, they will tell you that Islam is an evil belief system. Muslims, by and large, are a violent people who see nothing wrong with shedding innocent blood. Foreign Muslims, in particular, don't like the freedoms we Americans supposedly have and so they have made it their life's mission to destroy this country. Blah, blah, blah.

If you will remember, this past spring a deadly tornado struck Joplin, Missouri. Not only were there 160 deaths and hundreds of injuries, but the town's one public high school and several other schools were severely damaged or destroyed. Along with all the destroyed classrooms, the school district lost most of its computers.

On Wednesday, Joplin students returned to school. Classes are being held in makeshift locations around the city. While the district, its teachers and students have had to scramble to come up with needed books and supplies for the school year, they haven't had to worry about replacing one specific item: computers.

You see, a donor stepped in to contribute $1 million to insure that "every student could get a free laptop."

Who was this donor? Was it Microsoft, Apple, Dell or any number of American computer companies? Nope. The money came from a Muslim country -- the United Arab Emirates!!

That's right. Some people from a religion that we're told want to destroy the United States were moved by the calamity in Joplin to reach out to help students they do not know. That doesn't sound very bloodthirsty to me; it sounds benevolent.

Kindness and generosity know no [religious] bounds.


  1. I'd like to think it was "benevolent," but it sounds like a kind of PR-oriented rebate on oil revenue from a very rich, very economically advanced OPEC country that wants to maintain a stable relationship with the US. I think this is more about oil than Islam. The story you cite doesn't have much info on the donation details. It appears to be the UAR Embassy which has issued a $500K challenge/matching grant...
    (search "UAR donation to Joplin")

  2. I am just a mess today, too's the UAE, not the UAR. (That just shows how old I am...)


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