[The "Super Congress"] is designed to protect members of Congress from the electoral repercussions of cutting Social Security and Medicare benefits, something that 82% of the country vehemently opposes. A full 60% of the country think the wars are responsible for the deficit, but the money for war will not be touched. The committee exists solely to impose the will of a small minority of oligarchical elites on the nation, and rob millions of Americans of the retirement insurance they have been faithfully and honorably been paying into their entire adult lives. The fact that the committee exists at all represents the breakdown of the social contract.I certainly hope that the readers of this blog don't allow themselves to be duped by the upcoming master charade. It really doesn't take much imagination to know how this will play out.
~ "Super Congress" Designed for One Purpose by Jane Hamsher ~
It will begin with the Tea Party/GOP, the President and the Progressive Congressional Caucus making their usual rhetorical points. The Progressive Congressional Caucus quickly will be frozen out of the process and so all they will be able to do is snipe from the peanut gallery.
Obama -- who has already endorsed the idea that the defense budget is safe and that most of the bloodletting must come from "entitlements" -- will jaw back and forth with the conservatives. He may even draw a few invisible lines in the sand that will disappear before our eyes with each new wave of Tea Party lunacy!
In the end, both the GOP and mainline Democrats will sell out the American people far more than what they did last week. When the economy lurches from bad to worse, both sides will point at the other. All the while, there will be no help on the jobs front and foreclosures and bankruptcies will increase.
We are already screwed and we should know it!
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