
Tuesday, August 23, 2011

It Is Always About Money

Already the projections are in — not for who is going to win the election in 2012 — but for how much it is likely to cost.

Public Radio International concludes: “Campaign spending in the 2012 US election could reach $6 or 7 billion dollars as outside groups pay for electoral influence.”
~ from 'Monetizing' Electoral Politics: TV Networks Are Out to Sell, Not Tell by Danny Schechter ~
If you still believe that average Joes and Janes can have a say in the way our country is managed, the above cost estimate should provide you with reason to pause. While money always has played a key role in our electoral system, political leaders and hopefuls have never been awash in this amount of green.

Think about this for a moment. City, county and state governments teeter on bankruptcy. The social safety net is being torn to shreds. Roads and bridges are crumbling beneath our feet. Public servants -- by the tens of thousands -- are being handed pink slips. Our health and safety are being compromised because we don't have enough money to pay inspectors to inspect much of anything.

The rich demand that they not be required to pay their fair share in taxes, yet they seem to have the necessary funds to buy elections and, make no mistake about it, most of that $6 or $7 billion will come from them!

In essence, by subsidizing the rich with bailouts and tax reductions, the wealthy are using OUR money to corrupt the system against us. They are using our money to destroy the nation for their short-term gain.

Do you still think your puny voice matters?

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