
Thursday, August 11, 2011


What has been the narrative told by conservatives re all the failed housing loans that have led to the historic level of foreclosures? Consumers took out loans they had no business taking out! They took out loans they knew they could never repay. While banks bear a very small degree of responsibility for pressure tactics and, in some cases, out-and-out lies, the major onus falls on the irresponsibility of the low-income consumer.

I'm not saying that I agree with this sorry refrain, but that's the narrative conservatives -- particularly those who identify with the Tea Party movement -- go with.

So, the following news is more than galling!
Tea Party aligned Georgia Rep. Tom Graves (R), who castigates Washington for fiscal irresponsibility, reached an out of court settlement Wednesday after he was sued for defaulting on a $2.2 million loan -- which his attorney argued is the bank's fault for lending him the money in the first place.
Yep. That's right! When it comes to low-income borrowers, the fault lies with the consumer. However, when it comes to high-income borrowers, the fault lies with the bank.

As The Church Lady use to say, "How convenient!"

According to Rep Graves' attorney, "the default was the bank's fault because it lent the pair the money knowing full well they couldn't pay." So, why doesn't this same rationale apply to the millions of low-income borrowers? In so many such cases, simple math indicates that banks made huge loans to people that they full well knew couldn't make the payments.

Talk about not walking one's talk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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